viernes, 18 de octubre de 2019

My favorite Subject

In this semester I´ve had enjoy a lot a subject called Urban Sociology, it´s central issue is migration and it methodological approach is the street photography.

At the first moment I took this subject because did appears me easy and I just want to finish fastly my career and when the professor did ask me why I did choose that subject I answered any nonsense that sounded good, after that awkwardness, the professor started to explain the evaluations of the subject and at that moment I knew that I would like it.

The first evaluation consist in to transfer one text to PDF to Word format and write a review about it for the text to able read with synthesizer voice and convert in audio, so that can be listening  by visual impairment people  or not related to academy language.

The second evaluations is a paper (with photos) about migration . it´s like to capture racial tension at the city through to picture with  camera and try to explain it´s implications or meanings
At the moment I´ve learnt about the logical of the city, it´s characteristics and composition. The city as a particular type of social organization what contain confrontations between different communities for it´s resources.

I don´t know how this subject will can help me in my future, but it's very interesting.

miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2019

I want money

It´s difficult for me to think about a postgraduate course, because I want study theater after finishing studying sociology and whenever I think about continuing to study, I imagine learning other things about which I don't know much just like biology, math, design, etc.

So, if I could take a postgraduate, I would choose a course or master related to economics or statistics because I think what in these areas you can get money. Money that would allow me to live and do what I like. Although for this would be easier being a politician because I might not work and get money (I say it seriously).

I would like study abroad (in Europe) because I could learn another language, know other places, different culture and people, but at this time I don´t want to leave my family, so I would study in Chile even if it´s expensive.

I would like to study on-site and evening, but maybe a part-time course is a good idea, I think it depends finally of class of job that I have because I would like to take a postgraduate course while I´m working.

As I´ve been thinking that I would like to work in policy public would must take a course about it what to able me to get job in that and I would like to take some course about culture gestion too for can work in something related to art. 

viernes, 11 de octubre de 2019

I don´t know what I want

I´m not sure about want kind of job I would like to have. I just know that I want to study acting but haven´t idea how or when, I just hope can study in a free university  of another country or able pay for it.

Thinking in my career I would like to work in cultural management or policies or public policies in other areas too.  I would like to work indoor but to move for many places, around of Santiago and different cities. I don’t know what the salary of my career is but at the moment I would like to get enough money to rent a place where I can to sleep and maybe travel.  

I would like to have mayor studies, but I don’t know about what. If I would make it, I would try to study in other country because I want to know others cultures and different ways to learn, investigate and work.

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2019

My favorite Book

It's not my favorite book, but I remembered it when I saw in Facebook that Greta Thunberg have Asperger syndrome and some people made fun of her. The book is “The curious incident of the dog in the nighttime”.

This book was written by Mark Haddon an England novelist who won the Whitbread Award, the Dolly Gray Children's Literature Award, Guardian Prize, and a Commonwealth Writers Prize for this novel.

“The curious incident of the dog in the night time” is a mystery novel narrated in first person-perspective whose protagonist is Christopher John Francis Boone a fifteen years old boy with Asperger syndrome.  I like this book because the author can put himself in the place of a boy that see and understand the world since another perspective. Mark takes some elements about the autism spectrum and created a wonderful character, because Christopher is an obsessive boy specifically with some issues like his interesting topics, he is very smart and aware about his abilities and he most made brave and strong for demonstrate this.

I think this novel made me try to understand people with Asperger and I hope this stop being something important when discussing Greta's work because the important is her message.