I will translate a tale named “Diez horas de felicidad”, in English is like “ten hours of happiness”. It was written by Paloma Valenzuela Vera, she is 38 years old and she live in Puente Alto district. This tale won second place in the stories competition “Santiago en 100 palabras”. Is about a woman that decided abort.
Is almost midnight and I know that you are celebrating the news with your friends. You will open this mail; I estimate that within ten hours. Forgive me. I cannot. I´m not strong nor I have the enthusiasm that you have. Tomorrow, when you read these words I will be on their way to the clinic. Naty offered to accompany me; you will understand that I can´t go alone. I want die of the pain. I guess tomorrow I will be best. The decision is taken. I ask you when you shout and want to strangle me, you remember this ten hours added of happiness that I give you; you see those like a gift, that I will not have.