jueves, 5 de mayo de 2016


This photo was taken on 5 April in this year. The picture show the first day of rain in Santiago city if I remember rightly. This is a black and white photograph and for me it is just like the city looked that day. The center of Santiago in the rainy days is gray and this photo shows this, however it was named “Black day” for the photographer.
This photo was taken by a friend. She published it in her Facebook and when I saw it I asked her if I could publish in my facebook like front cover picture. She was agree and happy. I published the photo with a sentence and credits for my friend.
I hope that she continues with her hobby because I think she has talent. I like her photos but this is my favorite.
I published the photo with the following sentence: “I think the rainy days given harmony to Santiago. They give gray shades to the atmosphere that mixed with the colors of the buildings”.

2 comentarios:

  1. Wow! You are right. You friend has talent. This photo is amazing and warm words addressed to it are very nice.

  2. yout friend have many talents, this picture is very great!
